Monday, February 1, 2010

I will be trying Linda's recipe for pork tenderloin this week. It sounds really good. Linda has also inspired me to dig out my cross stitch and work on an old project. I forgot how much I enjoyed it.

I just finished a book that I really enjoyed, so I thought I'd pass it on. The name of it is
"The Help". It is set in Jackson, Mississippi in the early 1960's. It is about the relationship between 'southern ladies' and their black housekeepers/nannies. It is really good. Try it. Now I need another good one....any suggestions from anyone?

The sunshine over the past few days has given me new energy to face some of the many
jobs and chores around here. Can't wait for spring. Kim was walking in her yard a little today and discovered that her crocus are starting to poke through the ground. Won't be much longer now; although we are probably due for another snow fall or two.

I talked with Gail Mark this week. She is very excited to have a family reunion.
I guess we are the only family she has outside of her kids and grandkids.
She would like to have all of us over to Susan's house sometime in late April or May.
Susan lives in Mason, Ohio which is up beyond TriCounty Mall.
I offered that perhaps they could all come to Mom's birthday as I was pretty sure that we would all be together then and we could have a nice visit here on this side of the river.
She will be in touch to make further plans. I'll keep you all posted.

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