Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy March!

Hello Everyone! Things are great with me! I'm actually enjoying all these snow's so nice to be called in the morning and told to go back to bed! Ha! I'll live in the moment and enjoy the free time when I can get it.

School is good. I'm really looking forward to our new school. I took a tour last week and it's really coming along...and So Big! We're hoping it will be ready in May for our Honor's Night but we'll see.

I'll be taking two classes this summer towards my Master's. Other than that, nothing else exciting is going on.

Ted...thanks for the math puzzle! It was an easy one but I just might use it in 2012 when Leap Year comes back around. The answer? If the year is divisible by 4, then it is a Leap Year. Let me know if there's a faster way!

And finally...Happy Birthday to Scott on Monday!

Hugs to All!

1 comment:

  1. Great posting, and it was good to hear from you.

    Yes that is correct and the easiest way, as far as I know. It is the same 2 digit years in each century since the beginning of time, so the year 2000 was the 500th leap year.I have a new book on math by Benjamin and Shermer. Ted
