Thursday, February 11, 2010

First Attempt

Hi everyone!!
This is my first attempt on the family blog, so I am going to keep it short. Just wanted to know a couple of things.
1. The messages from you all comes to my regular e-mail at, and when I signed up from the invitation, it required me to have a google e-mail address, which I already have. Which account do I use to post blogs?
2. How do I post pictures?
3. Let me know if you all got this.


Larry and Trenda


  1. E-mail Ted with your questions. He's the one who explained everything to me. Glad to see you on here. Love Linda

  2. you use the email acct that is associated with your password to post blogs and comments. It does not have to be your gmail address.You can tell be these comments, we all saw your posting. Your posting can be reviewed prior to posting by using the review button.
    As for attaching pictures it should be easily apparent...I think you use the attachment button.I just saw the attach picture button when I reviewed these comments.I'll check and let you know if it is differently. Or you can call me. Ted
