Friday, February 12, 2010

Good Morning Everyone!!
Hope this finds you all well and happy on this beautiful Friday. I thought I'd let all of you that feed the birds to be on the watch for a Yellow-Rumped Warbler. We have one that showed up on Wednesday and has stayed here all day every day since. He is eating just on the suet feeder, and seems a little shy, so the other birds keep him on the move quite a bit. He's very pretty and I got a good picture to show you all when we next get together. Look in your bird books to see a picture of him. Mine is a young one, but can see the yellow spot on his head starting to develope. I also had a Rufous-sided Towhee eating right on my feeder. He's very pretty also, and the first time he has gotten on the feeder. Usually eat on the ground. We had a Yellow Bellied Sapsucker on our pear tree. He came for a couple days, but has not returned. Also got a picture of him. You can see all the holes he drills around the tree. I've also had a Cooper's Hawk that flew down and killed a female Cardinal right in front of me. I wish they would stay in the woods where I don't have to see this. Scared the warjeebies outta me!!
Well, that's about all for the wild life around here. Haven't seen any deer or turkey this year at all. Do miss watching the deer. Watch for the different birds you may get at your feeders. I get so excited and spend a lot of time with camera in hand trying to get a picture of them all. Such fun and a real good excuse for not getting anything done!!
Take care and let me know if you spot anything in your yard that is "new" to your neighborhood.
Love, Linda

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