Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter

Happy Spring and Happy Easter to everyone. We have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Spring around here and I think I can safely say it has arrived.

Spring has finally come to Kentucky. A robin built this next on top of a straw shelf on the downstars patio. She is very protective and fusses at us each time we go outside. We did manage to get this picture. Should have babies before too long!

Here is another sure sign of Spring. This is Mr. and Mrs. Duck (a.k.a. Elmer and Gertrude) They have been visiting us each spring since we had the pool. They used to like to swim in the water that had accumulated in the cover over the winter. They would then meander up to the bird feeder and have a snack. (We used to call it "Club Ted") After we had the pool taken out, they still come by each Spring to visit. Ted almost has them eating out of his hand this year. They are beautiful and so much fun to watch.

And of course, my personal favorite sign of Spring. My first hand picked beautiful flower picked just for me. Doesn't get any better than this!!

Thanks to everyone who has added to the blog. It is really fun seeing what everyone is doing....from viewing the moon (great pictures Todd) to seeing a 'crest' for our name (another bird!) to news about the Turkeys in Grant County (Linda had great pictures last week) to birthday wishes. Speaking of birthdays........ Father Rick had a great birthday party last week for Uncle Mike and Aunt Linda. Everyone had such a great time. The kids especially loved riding the horses........

Hope you all have a great Easter and enjoy Spring. Love to everyone, hope to hear from all of you soon.

(Originaly posted by Bonnie. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

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