Thursday, April 23, 2009


Good Morning All:
I just happend upon something on the net and thought it might be helpful to some of you - especially if you have little ones around and are running in ten different directions. Go to which is the Better Homes and Gardens web page. On the right hand side of the screen there are three 'boxes' (for want of a better word) The third box down from the top has three tabs along the top of the box. (I know this is confusing but I think it will be pretty obvious when you get there) The third tab is entitled "calendar". Click on that and it goes to a web page that helps you set up a color coded calendar for all your activities. It can then be accessible by your cell phone.......something like that. Anyway it is free and from a secure site and sounded interesting for those with busy schedules.

More news: Kim and Nick were in a small accident earlier this week. No one was hurt but both were pretty shaken. We are waiting from the insurance company to decide if their car can be fixed. Things can happen so fast; we never know what is waiting around each corner.

The weather is beautiful here today - going up to 70. Today is Ted's birthday and we have decided to go to Keeneland for the day. It is so beautiful there and we really enjoy it. But tomorrow - yard work, yard work, yard work. Spring is such a busy time!

Love to all, let us hear from all of you. b

(Originaly posted by Bonnie. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

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