Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hi Everyone!

Hi Everyone!
Just got the "rights" to enter the family blog. Thanks Todd for creating this site! I am sure it will be filled with lots of exciting things, ideas and memories.
I have no recipes to share at this time because I haven't cooked in a while. Thank goodness for Lean Cuisine....if they only worked! Guess you can't have everything.
Well just wanted to be added to the blog. Not much going on at this time of year. Oh, I know! I am having a colonoscopy next week. I know I am the one who usually comes up with something fun to do. It's my first so I can share that experience next week.
Unitl then...take care and stay warm!
Aunt Debbie/ Deb/ Mom

(Originaly posted by Debbie. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)


  1. Kim wrote:
    Just please do not share any pictures!

  2. Todd wrote:
    Oh, do share! My experience was absolutely horrible! I need to know if it was me or if everyone goes through it.

    Did they make you get on the goat?

  3. bonniejean wrote:
    I am glad to see you 'logged on'. I am looking forward to hearing from everyone. This has really been fun so far! I can't wait to get news from everyone else in the near future.

  4. 23 Jan 2009, 10:36 PM Ken wrote:
    Todd's colonoscopy went just fine.

    He just hated the common recovery room.

    Best of luck!
