Saturday, January 31, 2009


Anyone for a snowball fight . . .

Emily & her friend spent one afternoon making all of these snowballs! The boy's have strict instructions not to destroy any of these! I wonder how long that will last?

(Originaly posted by Kim. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

1 comment:

  1. Debbie wrote:
    Wow! What "balls" of fun!
    Emily, do you really think the boys will leave them alone. NOT!!!!

    BTW: Cory's Dad, Mark is in town and Julie and Cory had Ed, Kathy and Me over for dinner last night. What a great evening!! Cory and his Dad went to Jungle Jim's and shop for food. They then came home and prepared, grouper, orange roughy and Antelope! How wonderful!! The meal was great and we played Dominoes the rest of the night. That's how we are handling some of the winter blahs!
