Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Countdown

Good Morning Everyone
We will officially begin the 2008 Christmas Baking today. We are going to start with some simple recipes to get a head start on things. Ken is the only one who responded with a favorite cookie. Ken, you will be rewarded for your choice. I am assuming everyone else is still hanging onto their Peanut Butter Blossoms!
Todd, I did not receive my 'grade' on my work on the blog. Although Kim trumped me on my attachment, I do not think I should be penalized for that.
We will be getting ready around here also for the new carpet to be laid on Friday. After that we will have a marathon of decorating and sprucing up the Old Kentucky Home.
How about pictures of each of your Christmas Trees or other decorations on this blog? I think that would be fun to share.
Todd, if any packages arrive at your place, you and Ken are not to open them until Christmas! That is all for now, have a good day. We are looking forward to seeing those pictures.

(Originaly posted by Bonnie. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

1 comment:

  1. 10 Dec 2008, 8:24 PM Ken wrote:
    I feel like I have “immunity” for the next round.

    Go me!

    As for presents, we (Todd) might shake them but never open.
