Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2008 Bake Off

Well, we did it again. We started at about 8:30-9:00 on Sunday morning and by dinner time Amy had estimated that we had baked about 675 cookies using 12 - 13 different recipes. Yum!
As always we had a lot of fun and Emily, Allison and Hannah joined in. I don't think there are any 'new' entries this year, but lots and lots of the tried and true. Todd and Ken, you will be receiving your portion soon in the mail. No shaking! They are fragile.
I think one reason for the success tof his year's marathon was the little baking figurines that Ken and Todd left here for Kim, Amy and me when they were here for Thanksgiving. I have to ask. Are they baking gnomes? Baking fairies? or just good luck baking symbols. Whatever they are, they are much appreciated and so very thoughtful. Thank you so much. They were placed in appropriate places and 'watched over' the activities throughout the day. By the way, the noses on the figures have no direct relation to any of us ....right??
Thank you very much for thinking of us and I am sure here will be a few extra 'goodies' in the box for each of you :)

Amy's tree is beautiful as usual. Our is up, but remains naked at this point. Perhaps this week end......we'll see.
I truly wish that I could include pictures of my tree, our cookie baking, the cute little 'gnome' and whatever else. But I have not figured out how do do this yet. Perhaps later. And Amy thought she was the 'techno-dunce".

My advice to each of you is to enjoy each day (even the hectic crazy times). Be truly thankful for each and every opportunity and situation that you find yourselves in. We are all so blessed and I love each and every one of you so much.

(Originaly posted by Bonnie. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

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