Monday, May 4, 2009

Update for Charlie

Clinton went on his yearly fishing trip, unfortunately it has now been postponed until the 19th of May.

According to the courts, they both need to be there. Vickie is being really hateful to Charlie, she is sending threats via Charlie to me saying if I do not cooperate, that she will contest Charlie's move to our house. Charlie is just sick over this!! She begged me last night to cooperate (which I am doing so) with Vickie and asked me to do what ever they want so she can move. I feel so bad for her, I can take Vickie bullying me and saying negative things to me, but Charlie isn't thick skinned and I am worried about her having to deal with this for 2 more weeks. They are all being so negative about me to her, I am afraid she'll give in so this will stop.
Please just keep the support, prayers and positive feedback coming!!
We appreciate everyone's efforts!!
Love to all,
Amy Sue

(Originaly posted by Amy Sue. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

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