Thursday, April 1, 2010

We are Alive and Well in NC

Hello to all, finally back up and running, thanks Todd! It's good to hear what's going on with everyone, and for those who are going through a trying time, our prayers are with you.

We are all good here, busy with life and all it has to offer. Love watching the kids grow up. Zack is doing great in school, math is the most challenging subject but he's such a trooper, he keeps trying. He is such a good kid, he makes us laugh. Chase is the brain, everything comes so easy to him, he's a sweetheart and a great brother. Meg still runs things!! I am the princess, she is the queen!! She's amazing as well, we are so blessed to be their parents.

We miss seeing you all and hope life finds you well. Lots of Love from the Jenkins!

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