Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hi All,
Thought I'd take a few minutes and bring everyone up to speed.
The new year got off to a real bad start. Stacey's baby had a tough time of it for awhile and Lee and I were busy trying to help out while they ran to the hospital. Little guy is stable for now, but will continue to stay in the hospital for some time. The other two are doing great, and are just rotten.
When we had that real cold snap, our water froze up. Lee had to get under the house to fix that problem so the pipes wouldn't burst. That lasted a couple day, and was a real blast!!
And now, we both are trying to get rid of some kind of bug. Lee is feeling lots better, but I still don't feel real hot. Been going on for two weeks now, so I'm really fed up with it. Amy has it also, and I think we got it from Miss Charlotte. She can stay home next time!I have started Weight Watchers and have been on it for about three weeks. I don't have a scale, so I don't know if I've lost anything or not, but hope so.I want to get rid of about 40 pounds, so I'm really sticking to it. It's not hard and I'm doing real well. Wish me luck. Would like to drop 20 pounds by this spring.
Haven't talked with anyone, so I'm hoping everyone is well and doin great. Guess you're all looking forward to nicer weather like we are. Ready to get out in the yard and burn some fat!!
Well, I guess that's it for now. Take care and let's hear from all of you.
Love Linda

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