Sunday, May 31, 2009

Happy Summer

I cannot believe that another month has gone by. There is so much going on around here. May has certainly been a month of mothers.....

After sitting on a nest up next to the kitchen window, Mrs. Duck finally hatched 11 new babies. There was one egg that did not hatch. After less than 8 hours she left the nest with the babies close behind and made her way to a lake that is located in the neightborhood behind us.

It was fun to watch her sit and turn her eggs each day and then finally watch them hatch. Perhaps next year one of them will be back to nest here.

This is our third next of Robin's this year. These little ones are ready to fly and be on their own. We really enjoy all the spring wild life around here!!

Speaking of special mothers.....

That's Grandma in the striped shirt and white hat. We went to a Red's game just a few days before her 93rd birthday. It was a beautiful day (unfortunately the Red's lost) but we all had a good time together. (That is Teal, Chris Schneider and Carolyn Reis - cousins -. Kim is taking the picture.)

We celebrated her birthday the following Sunday. I can't believe she is 93, but overall she is feeling pretty good and is staying very active.

Other news from Northern Kentucky is that Uncle Mike has a new assignment. He will no longer be the pastor at St. Benedict's (where Julie and Cory got married), but will be working at the Diocesean Offices full time. He will be the chaplain for a convent in Walton, Kentucky and living on the property. He will be moving soon and strart his new assignment July 1.

Brian has also gotten a new job. He will no longer be working here in Florence, but will be working just north of downtown Cincinnati. He is very excited about his new position.

Good luck to both Mike and Brian as they start their new jobs.

The kids here have three more days of school this year. Summer vacation will begin on Thursday of this next week. And then it is off for vacations. The Wiehoff's and Ted and I will be going to Gulf Shores for a week. The LaRoy's are headed to Disney. Hope to have pictures of both of these events.

Todd, are you still using your telescope regularly? Miss seeing pictures.
Looking forward to Ken and Todd's visit in July. We will have a big fourth of July event while they are here. Andy will be home then so it will be special.

When you get a chance, drop us all a line and let us know what you are all doing.

(Originaly posted by Bonnie. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

Saturday, May 23, 2009

2nd time this week . . .

I think the universe is trying to tell me something . . .

(Originaly posted by Todd. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Toddwick Chronicles

I totally forgot to tell you all about this.

I post stuff on here that I think is relevent and interesting to the family, but I maintain a blog of my own outside of this one with all my crazy thoughts.

It is called The Toddwick Chronicles, and it's very much like The Chronicles of Narnia, but without the attic wardrobe closet, talking animals, magic and it's spelled differently.

. . . . . hmm, I guess it isn't really that much like The Chronicles of Narnia. Scratch that.

Anyhoo, you can take a look here:

I update almost every day, and feel free to leave comments and check back from time to time.

(Originaly posted by Todd. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's a girl!!

Just wanted to let everyone know that yesterday went fine. Very quick and very little pain!! Hehee

Char will be moving home June 9th! We can't wait! Got a lot to get done in the next 2 weeks!!

Thanks everyone for your care and support! I am so happy this day is finally here!
Amy Sue

(Originaly posted by Amy Sue. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day

Just a quick note to wish each and every one of our mother's a very Happy Mother's Day. I hope you each have a great day.
We will all be going over to Aunt Debbie's for a cook out. Looks like it will be a great day. Have a wonderful day. bj

(Originaly posted by Bonnie. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Derby Day

We had been wanting to have the neighbors over for MONTHS, and the Kentucky Derby gave us a great opportunity. We had a really great Derby Day. We had prizes for the winner (we all picked numbers at the beginning) and had Mint Juleps for days!

In this photo can you find the following:
1. Ken
2. Yodie
3. Fish Tank
4. Dog Bed
5. Wedding photo of Nan and Pop

(Originaly posted by Todd. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

Monday, May 4, 2009

Update for Charlie

Clinton went on his yearly fishing trip, unfortunately it has now been postponed until the 19th of May.

According to the courts, they both need to be there. Vickie is being really hateful to Charlie, she is sending threats via Charlie to me saying if I do not cooperate, that she will contest Charlie's move to our house. Charlie is just sick over this!! She begged me last night to cooperate (which I am doing so) with Vickie and asked me to do what ever they want so she can move. I feel so bad for her, I can take Vickie bullying me and saying negative things to me, but Charlie isn't thick skinned and I am worried about her having to deal with this for 2 more weeks. They are all being so negative about me to her, I am afraid she'll give in so this will stop.
Please just keep the support, prayers and positive feedback coming!!
We appreciate everyone's efforts!!
Love to all,
Amy Sue

(Originaly posted by Amy Sue. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)