Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good Morning

Hi everyone,
Hope all are doing well and looking forward to the warmer weather. I sure am!!
I found something while checking the news today that may be of interest. Go to channel 9 news site and look for "New tool to help with groceries" or something to that effect. It's a new site that will help with your grocery shopping by letting you know where the best deals are for your grocery list. Free coupon sites are also listed.
I have to always be on the lookout to save money, as I'm sure we all are, and this sounded interesting to me. It's free to sign up, so thought I'd pass this along and see what you all think. Hope it's something useful. It's called GROCIO and I'm not sure if you can get to their site by way of search engine. Won't hurt to give it a try if you think you may be interested.
We are both fine here, and not much new to pass along. Just waiting for the weather to break and stay warm.
Take care and hugs to all.

(Originaly posted by Linda. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)

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