Saturday, February 27, 2010

I am not sure if anyone is reading this or not....but I will keep posting news about mom as I get it. As a result of her previous symptoms, she had a echo-cardiogram run a week ago. Ted talked with Jim this week and he felt that everything was normal for a 93 year old person. There is a little 'mild' valve leakage but he felt it was nothing to be concerned with. He said he would like to send the results on to mom's cardiologist and have him take a look at them. On Thursday of this week, we went in to see a cardiologist. He agreed with Jim and said that mom is doing great for her age. No problems. He conferred that her water retention was very mild and she appears to be responding to the water pill. He checked her and said that her ankles and legs were not swollen at the time we were in there.
She asked him why her legs are so shaky and why she has no ambition....his response was the same as Jim' are 93 years old.
She is also having trouble with her vision, but that is a result of the macular degeneration. I think she is coping pretty well with all of these things, but I think when she sits and dwells on them it gets her down a little.
She also had a visit with her gyenecologist. She has been wearing a 'pessory' for years to help with dropped bladder and whatever else drops at her age. She has to have it removed and cleaned about every three months. The doctor found a small irritation behind it and decided to leave the pessory out for a while to give the irritation time to clear up. Hopefully she won't have any trouble while this device is out. It can be such a nuisance.
That is about all for now. Can't wait for spring around here. So much to look forward to..... sky.....did I say sun?

Julie and Corey are getting ready to work on their new house. How exciting! Perhaps we can post some pictures soon.

When you get time, let us know what is going on with each of you.....and if you get a minute,
give mom a call or drop her a line.



  1. I am reading this. Check every day. Haven't had anything new to report, so haven't posted. Can't seem to get rid of this cough, but I think it's just sinus related. Can't wait for spring along with everyone else, but am trying to keep busy so the time will pass faster. Have a cross stitch sampler that I've worked on a lot, and hope to get it done soon. Then maybe yard work time will be here. Not too excited about the work, but the sun will be nice. Cutting back on the yard this year. Just too much to take care of and really don't enjoy it like I use to. Oh well.....getting older I guess.
    Hope everyone is good and hanging in there with this weather. Would love to be a fly on Kim's wall when they say the "S" word on the weather reports! O):
    Take care everyone and talk to you soon.
    Love Linda

  2. Thanks for the update BJ. I just sent my first post but I too, read this often and appreciate the updates!
