Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Hello, Hello:)

Hi Everyone....Not sure what I might be doing wrong, but I didn't see where Patty or Amy made a post, but I saw where Todd made a comment? Hmm.
Anyhoo...things are going really good with Charlie being home! She starts at Boone County in a few weeks, she's a little nervous, but excited too! It's been a transition with all that has gone on, but have to say we are happy:)

Hope all is well with everyone!
Amy Sue



  1. Amy, try clicking on the blog title at the top of the page. That should take you to the main page. Let me know if that doesn't work.

  2. Actually, I don't think I explained it right....I get the email that someone made a comment (to my yahoo) but not an actual post, but I bet if I logged into my gmail, it would be there....(just had an ahha moment) :) I'll check and let ya know!

  3. So, just checked and no emails in google....? I don't know...

  4. Ah, I think I understand. The email that someone made a post no longer contains a copy of the post. It just says, "Hey, there's some new stuff". Only way to see it is to log in to the site and see it there.
