Saturday, January 24, 2009

Greetings from NC

Well hello all,

This is such a great idea. I look forward to reading about all that is going on with you all. It was so good to see alot of you over Christmas, we really enjoyed our time with you all. Loved the memories with Aunt Debbie's food selections, I forgot about those sandwiches.

Here's a picture of the kids, enjoy.

(Originaly posted by Scott & Patti Jenkins. Imported from old blog by Admin on 7/17/2009)


  1. BONNIEJEAN wrote:
    What a treat to open the 'blog' and see those three sweet smiling faces. Thanks Patti.
    We are having our first and possibly only snow storm for '08-09 here today and tomorrow. School is out and we are all 'confined to our qauarters'. Warm cinnamon scones fresh from the oven were just perfect today!
    How about if you each share some pictures today and tomorrow. Have fun. ME

  2. Patti wrote:
    Cimmamon scone, please share, I've never made scones and would love to, thanks.
