Thursday, May 20, 2010

Update for Grandma
We visited the eye specialist a week ago and Grandma does have the "wet" macular degeneration in her right eye. This is very diappointing news but it is treatable at this stage. The doctor has said that it is a very mild case and that hopefully she will respond to the treatments and they will be able to keep the disease from progressing. She had her first treatment yesterday. This involves getting a shot directly into the diseased eye. Of course they numb the eye but it is a very unsettling experience. The "shots" will be given once every six weeks for three treatments. After that they will run more tests to see if the treatments are successful.

We also visited her G.P. this week and he has recommended that she undergo physical therapy to strengthen her legs. She has had weakening of her legs for the past couple of months and hopefully this will help.
We go in next Thursday for an evaluation by the therapist and a recommendation on what may help her. Let's hope that she will be more mobile and move about easier.

Her birthday is the 29th of May and we will be having a little get together for her. She will be 94 years. old. Go Granny!!

I will continue to keep you all posted. If you get a minute, drop a line here to the blog or drop her a note.


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hi Everybody
I hope all you mother's had a great Mother's Day. We had a great day here in northern Kentucky. Julie and Cory had us all over for a cookout. How brave they are! The weather did not cooperate as much as we would have liked, but we all had a really good time.
Hannah's First Communion was a few weeks ago and it was indeed a beautiful day. What a little angel she is!
Emily's 8th grade dance was this past week end. She and her friends are really beautiful young women and they all had a great time.
Both the LaRoy's and Wiehoff's have been busy with soccer, basketball, scouts and on and on. I think they are all ready for summer vacation.
It won't be long now.

Grandma's medications for her congestive heart failure seem to be working well. She has had no swelling in her ankles and has had no more breathing episodes that we know of. I do think that the whole ordeal has slowed her down a little bit, though.
Her latest concern is her vision. It has been slowly deteriorating for the past few months and has reached a level that is fairly difficult for her to deal with. Her left eye is the one that had the macular degeneration so badly a few years ago. This eye is not very functional. The vision in her right eye has dropped from 20/30 to 20/50. The doctor has increased the power of the reading part of her glasses lens. So far this has not had a very big impact on her vision. We will be seeing a specialist today to check for macular degeneration progression in her right eye.

In other news, Ken is doing better after his second surgery and we are all looking forward to the day when he and Todd will be making a visit home.
Trenda will be having sugery on the disc in her upper neck area next Monday. This will hopefully help the problem that she has been suffering with for so long. Good luck Trenda.

Let's hear from each of you. Share some of what you each are doing. I will continue to post updates on Grandma.
